Thursday, July 15, 2010

Astrology Air Signs

Astrology Air Signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Astrologically, air is mental. For people in whom the air element predominates, ideas and communication are the most important aspects of human life.

This mental trait shows itself somewhat differently in each of the signs of the air triplicity. Gemini’s airy nature typically manifests as the ability to understand, utilize, and communicate facts; Geminis are natural teachers and communicators. As Libra’s symbol, the Scales, suggests, Libra’s airiness is expressed as the ability to make comparisons by weighing and balancing.

This sign has a highly developed social nature that makes Libras talented hosts and insightful psychologists. Aquarius’s airy quality appears as intuition and the ability to understand universal principles. Aquarius also has a natural inclination to work with others for the uplifting of humanity.

Negatively, air people can be too intellectual and too verbal. Unless counterbalanced by other factors, excess air in a natal chart indicates an individual who is stuck at the mental level, never able to manifest ideas in a practical manner. Conversely, lack of air can indicate a person who has difficulty communicating and formatting clear ideas.

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